Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Phantom of the Opera

Today Year 6 have visited St Mary's College to watch their production of 'Phantom of the Opera'.  We started our day watching the production.  The hall was set up to look like a Victorian opera house, with a chandelier and an old backstage backdrop.

All the actors were fabulous.  Shocked, excited and amazed, we watched a fantastic performance.  We are all looking forward to future productions and hope that one day we might have a starring role.

After being waved at by some old pupils, we had lunch, then finished off our day with a drama workshop.  We got to know some of the pupils from other schools and took part in some tableaux from the production.

We've had a marvellous day and can not wait to put some of our newly learnt skills and enthusiasm into our own end of year production.

Thank you to all involved in organising our special day!

Year 6

1 comment:

Mr Shaw said...

What was your favourite scene? Why?