Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Cross Country Festival - KS2

Yesterday afternoon we had the tiring event of cross country. Yet we are struggling to understand the crossing the country bit! We held 4 races: year 3&4 boys, 3&4 girls, 5&6 boys, 5&6 girls. We’re still surprised that a lot of our pupils still have their voices! Oh boy how they screamed! Our school (being really kind!) invited a number of schools to participate (We can’t remember all the schools names! Sorry!)Yet we still had a great time and are very proud of our one first place. Although a lot of people where upset about their place in the race, we tell them it is just a number (A very big ‘un!) and it’s just for fun and have a bit of a laugh!
By Mary, Juliet  and Sam. 

Our Year 3 / 4 Girls Top 6 (Cross Country Winners!)

Our Year 3 / 4 Boys Top 6

Our Year 5 / 6 Girls Top 6 (Minus Abigail)

Our Year 5 / 6 Top 6 (Cross Country Winners!)

By Juliet, Mary and Sam

Meet The Blog Squad

In Year 6 we have made a blog squad. These people are in the blog squad:

(From Left to right) Sam, Tisna, Juliet, Hannah, Morgan, Sandra, Mary, The 2 Jessicas,
Nicole, Nancy, Anna, Charlotte and Ellie

In blog squad, we take pictures, interview people, write it down and post it up on our school blog.
If there is anything exciting and interesting happening in your classes, please inform the blog squadders.
So far in our school lots of exciting events have happened so we have been busy at the blog squad HQ (ICT suite).Look on our school blog for the latest news that has been happening at our school.
This is goodbye from blog squad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 By Sandra, Tisna, Charlotte and Anna.

Foundation Stage's Outdoor Area - Day 2 Building Blocks

Recently, our children of foundation stage have experienced a change of their playground, Evie told our group that she thought the floor was moving as they (the builders) started building their new equipment.
Some of the foundation stage pupils had drawn pictures, of the diggers and other heavy lifting things!
After we saw the children’s pictures, we took a quick look outside…it looked like a new playground! So we took more photos!
That’s all for now, but keep checking our blog for more info about our school! :-)  
Here are a few examples of some of our pictures of diggers, followed by some of the changes that the builders have already made.

By Nancy, Jess and Morgan

Toys from the Past - Year 2

This afternoon, Year 2 will be making Victorian style toys such as spinning tops, teddy bears, and jack in the boxes with the help of their parents. Firstly Year 2 will be talking about the different types of Victorian toys and how they were made. They will be using different types of equipment to make the toys!
Come back Later to see what happened!
By Jessica, Nicole, Ellie and Hannah

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Foundation Stage's Outdoor Area - Day 1 Inspired to Write

I don't know what you would want to do if there were a team of workmen with diggers, pneumatic drills and power tools outside your classroom? In Foundation Stage we have been inspired to write. We have been writing about what we can see and what we would like these fantastic builders to add to our outdoor classroom.

Here are a few examples of what we have been writing. Enjoy!

Foundation Stage's Outdoor Area - Day 1 Setting Up

Today we are very excited to see the start of our new outdoor area being made.  The builders have been talking to us about what they are doing and how we can stay safe.

The picture above is our foundation stage this morning before we all arrived.  Over the next days and weeks we are going to share with you all the exciting new things that are being added to help us learn.

The pictures and video(coming soon!) below are some of the things that have happened in the first 30 minutes.  Wow! They are quick!

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Tim Rylands - Day 1

On Thursday 7th March, years 2 and 3 had the pleasure of working with Tim Rylands.  Year 3 have been writing some recountsof their morning.  Please have a look at our work (which we will keep adding as it comes in!) and tell us what you think by commenting below.

Thank You Tim! (

Year 3

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Phantom of the Opera

Today Year 6 have visited St Mary's College to watch their production of 'Phantom of the Opera'.  We started our day watching the production.  The hall was set up to look like a Victorian opera house, with a chandelier and an old backstage backdrop.

All the actors were fabulous.  Shocked, excited and amazed, we watched a fantastic performance.  We are all looking forward to future productions and hope that one day we might have a starring role.

After being waved at by some old pupils, we had lunch, then finished off our day with a drama workshop.  We got to know some of the pupils from other schools and took part in some tableaux from the production.

We've had a marvellous day and can not wait to put some of our newly learnt skills and enthusiasm into our own end of year production.

Thank you to all involved in organising our special day!

Year 6


Welcome to our witterings to the world.  At St Thomas More RC Primary School we are very proud of all of our achievements and the fantastic work that we do.   Here you will find out what we have been doing, why we are doing it and some fantastic examples of what we have done.

Be all you can be!
St Thomas More, Hull.